The Daily Rebound

Posted by on May 31, 2018 in #techandtone | No Comments
The Daily Rebound

You missed the rebound! OK, you’re a guitarist, not a basketball player, yo-yo master or poker player. But you missed it, what now? Take a break and rest? Or play more hard defense, more scrambling for the ball so you can do what really counts, score points. Is this bad? No, it’s just part of the game. You have to go for the ball before you can make a shot. No one is going to hand it to you.

You are working hard and you’re determined. But today, the energy just isn’t there. Missing notes, memory bad, and failing to rebound your focused energy. No enthusiasm. You’re losing the game. Instead of practicing, doing your scales and working the tough spots in your rep, you just want to look at your Instagram feed with a good cup of coffee. Netflix maybe?

Turn it around

Rosette of a 1931 Hauser guitarI’ve played 4-6 hours/day the last four days. I was high as a kite. Two days recording videos at Aaron Green’s Vintage Classical Guitars on five Fletas and four Hausers, then some good healthy practice time at home on the things I screwed up!

So now it’s Sunday morning, and I just can’t wake up. Practice? No way. So I’m going for a rebound with my favorite breakfast: sausage, eggs, home fries and onions. Then a nice walk in the woods.

Rest is not the enemy

My chiropractor recently recommended a stretch app called Romwod. I was surprised at the end of the first routine that the final resting period they call a rebound. I mistakenly think of rest as the enemy – not my best characteristic. So this concept intrigued me. Rebound sounds more active and exciting than rest. This is important!

Rebound what? I’m not a basketball fan, but I love to watch a good game. The pace and the athleticism are astonishing. One of the important aspects is the rebound. OK, it’s not as glamorous a statistic as points scored, but without it, you can’t win a game. In other words, you can’t win the game if you don’t have the ball.

The ball represents energy. The focus of all attention. Only geeks watch the men or women running around hoping to get the ball. Actually, that’s a good subject for another article, since if you are reading this, you must be a guitar geek! Much can be learned by paying attention to the periphery, the accompaniment, the bass line.

Grab the ball

Back to basketball. Grab the ball, then what? It’s not enough. Usually, things slow down, everybody runs down court, the point guard gets the ball. He’s the thinker, the pace setter. Slow and patient, let everyone catch their breath? Or fast and furious, push it, grab the momentum?

It’s a circle: rebound the energy, hold it for a moment, assess the situation, (what time of day is it, what are my priorities, who needs me now), move ahead, strategize in motion, take your shot, rebound and restart the cycle.

Of course, there are offensive and defensive rebounds. One is on fire, ready to try another shot, the other a strategic positioning to recollect your opportunity and direction. The former might take a minute (stand up, touch your toes, sit down and get back to work), the latter, all day!

So I had my breakfast, walked the dogs, and looked at my email. Hmm, now what? Sometimes it takes a few attempts, but failure leads to success. Now I’m practicing and editing this article…getting closer.

Quick rebound

Rebound with yoga (and a dog!)Do the plow.

Touch your toes.

Cold splash of water, hands and face.

Take-a-break rebound

Cuddle the dog!Walk the dogs.

Watch YouTube videos to get inspired (yeah, sure, not a great one, but a little competition in your face can be a good thing!).

Cup of non-caffeinated tea. Cook.

Talk to a friend. Sing!

Long rebound

Frank shoveling snow Shovel snow.

Do the gym.

Go to the movies. I mean, GO to the movies.

Go to the Bahamas.


As they say on Romwod, the essence of a good rebound is to let it all go. No worries, no shoulds, no guilt. It is part of your practice time, a deeply important part. You can’t make a shot if you don’t have the ball!
