Remission? | and new guitar work Gratus Sum

Posted by on Sep 11, 2019 in cancer diary, composition | No Comments
Remission? | and new guitar work Gratus Sum
cartoon by Trevor LaBarge © 2019

cartoon by Trevor LaBarge © 2019

We eagerly await the results of last week’s CT scan to determine where we stand in my dance with cancer. In the meantime, I am so grateful to everyone who has sent me good vibes and well-wishes. And so I began my first new composition in one year in thanks to you all! I left off with Friends last August, a work dedicated to ten friends who had in some way stepped it up – frequent phone calls, heaps of love and kindness. [See video below]

I considered simply continuing that series, but it would take me years to accomplish with so many friends who have sent so much love in the past four months. And so I will soon offer Gratus Sum – I am Grateful! I chose a Latin title because it implies a sacred tone and impact. This is a sacred time for me, one of immense meditation, contemplation, silence and love. There will be a dedication to the seven musicians offering a Tribute to Frank Wallace on October 25 in Boston: Bob Ward, Alex Dunn, Chris Ladd, Ása Guðjónsdóttir, David William Ross, Daniel Acsadi and Nick Cutroneo.

Here’s the beginning of the piece in all its raw glory.

Please enjoy Friends #6-10

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Save the date, please…

It is with great delight we announce that our dear friend and colleague Bob Ward and the Boston Classical Guitar Society will present a concert in my honor this October 25th. The concert of my compositions will feature Bob with Alex Dunn playing Duo Sonata #1; Chris Ladd, guitar and Ása Guðjónsdóttir, violin, on Gryphon, Violin Sonata #1, David William Ross on Cyrcles, Sonata #3, Daniel Acsadi playing Débil del Alba and Nick Cutroneo on Shadow of the Sun.

The concert will be held at the First Lutheran Church at 299 Berklee St. in Boston. Pre-concert talk will begin at 7:30, concert at 8pm. Calendar listing here. I hope you can make it. —Frank